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How To Upload Reports

Step 1

Click on one of the following depending on what report you want to add.

For Now, we will add a newsletter. Click on ‘Monthly news’.

Step 2

Click on ‘Add New at the top.

Step 3

Image: This is the image that will be displayed on the different Insights pages.

Title: The title of the report in short exp. If it’s a monthly newsletter we can call it Jan – News or a report say Jan- Reports.

Download: This will be the actual pdf file you want the people to download. Select the pdf file from the list or drag and drop the file in the upload section after you click on the ‘choose media’ button.

Year: what year is the report for? Type in the year. This will be divided into the different years on the website page like displayed in the image below.

Step 4

Click on ‘Add’ On the left.